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Sold Subject to Contract
Residential Development Land 116 Prestbury Road
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 2DP
United Kingdom
Category Residential
CODE 5570
The proposed residential scheme comprises 2 no. 2-storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached dwellings and 3 no. 2-bedroom apartments. The consented site extends to approximately 0.35 acres (0.14 ha) and will allow for 18 no. car parking spaces allocated as per the following; 4 no. for the houses, 3 no. for the apartments, 9 no. for the store and 2 no. for additional visitor parking. Externally there is to be a cycle and bin store and two areas of private amenity space.

21/02453/FUL - The construction of 3no. 2-bed flats and 2no. 3-bed dwellings on the land surrounding the existing SimplyFresh store. Approved 27th January 2022.

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William Matthews
Olympus House, Olympus Park Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 4NF
01452 880152
These particulars are intended as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility. Intending purchasers or tenants should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all statements and representations before entering into any agreement. No employee or partner of Bruton Knowles has authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to the property.