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For Promotion Only
Strategic Land South Of Post Office Lane
Worcester, Worcestershire WR5 3WP
United Kingdom
CODE 7871
Strategic Land - Option, Promotion & Freehold (+ uplift) offers invited

The site is located immediately adjacent to Kempsey's Village Development Boundary as defined in the Kempsey Neighbourhood Development Plan (November 2017), and adjacent to the recently completed Sallowbed Way development (14/00625/FUL).

The site itself is gently undulating pasture and extends to approximately 4.48 acres, bound by Post Office Lane to the north, the public open space to the adjacent Sallowbed Way development to the west, areas of woodland to the south and east and Post Office Brook to the north east.

The most recent and relevant planning application and Appeal are outlined below.

M/22/00497/OUT - Outline planning application for the erection of up to 30 dwellings and associated works, with all matters reserved for future determination except for access. Refused 22nd December 2022.

An Appeal, ref APP/J1860/W/22/3313440 was made against the decision of application ref: M/22/00497/OUT, however the Appeal was dismissed on the 14th August 2023. A copy of the Appeal Decision can be provided.

The site is available for promotion via an Option or Promotion agreement and parties are invited to submit terms as follows:
Type of agreement
Percentage - discount/share of proceeds
Premium payment (s) to landowner
Term (s) of agreement/Longstop
Any deductible costs and caps
Minimum price per gross acre
Confirmation of payment of landowner's professional fees

Alternatively, the landowner may consider Freehold offers to include uplift terms in the event the land secures planning permission.

Offers should be received by Bruton Knowles via email to Richard Brogden: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Jack Moulsdale
Olympus House, Olympus Park Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 4NF
01452 880141

Please complete the form below to request a viewing for this property. We will review your request and respond to you as soon as possible. Please add any additional notes or comments that we will need to know about your request.

Jack Moulsdale
Olympus House, Olympus Park Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 4NF
01452 880141
These particulars are intended as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility. Intending purchasers or tenants should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all statements and representations before entering into any agreement. No employee or partner of Bruton Knowles has authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to the property.